Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Sealcoating?

A: Sealcoating, or pavement sealing, is the process of applying a protective coating to asphalt-based pavements to provide a layer of protection from the elements: water, oils, and U.V. damage. Sealcoating reduces maintenance costs, and adds years of life to the pavement.

Q: How often should I Sealcoat?

A: Generally it is a good idea to have your driveway resealed every two to three years. Although some home and business owners insist on sealing every single year, this can potentially cause the sealcoat to crack and peel so it’s best avoided.

Q: When is the best time to Sealcoat?

A: Ideally, during dry and sunny conditions and when temperatures are consistently above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Q: How long should we keep vehicles and foot traffic off surface after sealing?

A: Please allow 24-48 hours after the final coat to cure prior to opening back up to traffic. Light foot traffic is permitted 24 hours after final coat.

Q: Do I need to prep my Driveway or Parking lot prior to Sealcoating?

A: Yes. Please make sure lawn sprinklers are turned off at least 24 hours before and after sealing. In order to properly apply sealer, the asphalt must be free of excess dirt and debris. SealRite Sealcoating preps every job prior to completion by blowing off and removing loose debris, trimming all edges and clearing cracks of weeds. Excess cleaning could result in a small cleaning fee.